If you have problems running these binaries due to missing
libraries, check the System information in the
file for a list of dependencies.
Step 1: download.
Click on the
below to start the download system.
Depending on your browser you may need to
right-click so that the file is saved to disk and not displayed.
Problems? Check our list of
additional mirrors
nh342lin.tgz (1.2M bytes)  (MD5 sum: a7e9a9bad70a04e21945fdc197b360fb)
NetHack 3.4.2 Linux Elf with TTY and Athena-widget-based (traditional X11)
graphics interfaces (including tiles). This version requires glibc-2.3 and
X11 libraries.
Click on the
below to start the download system.
Depending on your browser you may need to
right-click so that the file is saved to disk and not displayed.
Problems? Check our list of
additional mirrors
nethack-3.4.2-1.i386.rpm (1.2M bytes)  (MD5 sum: 69d9abd59c441bcec37bdce570e70371)
Same thing in RPM format.
Additional details about the binary in nh342lin.tgz
and nethack-3.4.2-1.i386.rpm. If you are not running Redhat,
check the System information in this file to see if you need to build
instead of using these binaries.
Click on the
below to start the download system.
Depending on your browser you may need to
right-click so that the file is saved to disk and not displayed.
Problems? Check our list of
additional mirrors
nethack-3.4.2-1qt.i386.rpm (1.3M bytes)  (MD5 sum: c02996ea867282829893c7c60048878e)
NetHack 3.4.2 Linux Elf with Qt-based graphics interfaces (including
tiles). This version requires the Qt libraries (version 2.x) which may
or may not be installed on any particular Linux system. This version
should run on Redhat 9 and Suse 8.
Most Redhat installations do not include Qt by default; it
must be specifically selected.
If you have KDE 2 installed, you have Qt installed.
Step 2: unpack.
gunzip and untar (use -p to preserve ownerships and permissions) the
package from / to put the NetHack files in
/usr/games/nethack and /usr/games/lib/nethackdir.
(If you have old record and logfile entries from a previous NetHack
version, you might want to save copies before they get overwritten by the
new empty files; save games and bones files from 3.4.0 will work
with 3.4.1, such files from versions before 3.4.0 will not work
with 3.4.1.)
Step 3: install.
In addition to data files for running the game, you will find other useful
things in /usr/games/lib/nethackdir (such as a copy of this README :-).
The general documentation Guidebook.txt and the processed man pages
nethack.txt and recover.txt should provide an introduction to the game.
(The rest of this step does not apply to the Qt binaries.)
The sample config file called dot.nethackrc can be used by copying
it to your home directory as .nethackrc and modifying it to your liking.
If you are running X11 copy the nh10.pcf and ibm.pcf font files from
/usr/games/lib/nethackdir to a X11 fonts directory (such as
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc) and run "mkfontdir", then restart X
windows to load them.