Tung's Word Box


Multi-Threaded Rust Ray Tracing Demo

Posted on 2025-03-19; Tags: graphics, programming, rust

Ray-traced scene with spheres rendered with multi-threaded Rust

Ray Tracing in One Weekend is a free online book that takes you through the process of programming a ray tracer from scratch. It starts by writing support code to do math with 3-element vectors, building up a 3D scene with spheres and adding materials, and finishing by rendering a large scene of spheres of various sizes and materials.

The book provides source code in C++, which I followed directly my first time through. Having done that, I decided to get a little bolder and repeat the experiment with Rust. This went well enough that I went even further and added multi-threading to speed it up; the picture above is the result of letting this multi-threaded renderer run for a while.

Anyway, this ended up being interesting enough to do a write-up about, so here it is; read on!

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Learning Zig's Build System using raylib

Posted on 2024-11-06, Updated 2025-03-19; Tags: gamedev, programming, zig

Edit: Updated for Zig 0.14.0 and a version of raylib that works with it.

I picked up some Zig recently and figured I'd take the chance to learn its build system using raylib. raylib already has pretty good community-maintained idiomatic Zig bindings, but we want to learn, so we're going to do it the "hard" way instead.

raylib has a build.zig, which means that it can be used directly with Zig's package manager. Its C headers can also be translated into a Zig module that can be @imported, thanks to Zig's built-in C translator.

Note: We will not be using @cImport, since it seems like it'll be removed in future versions of Zig.

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Announcing Coric's Quest

Posted on 2024-08-24; Tags: gamedev, rust, webassembly

Coric's Quest screenshot

So here's the game I've been working on the the last six months: Coric's Quest! It's a free and open source RPG that fits about two hours of game play into a single 9 MB file. There are native builds for Windows and Linux, and a WebAssembly build that can be played in a web browser.

You can play it right now at itch.io and on its homepage. The source code can be found on GitHub. There's also a project page here on this site.

Making a CHIP-8 Interpreter: chip8run

Posted on 2023-02-07; Tags: c, chip-8, emulator, programming, webassembly

I wanted to try my hand at making interactive graphical applications with C, WebAssemnbly and the Sokol header-only libraries when I stumbled across the CHIP-8. Creating a CHIP-8 interpreter ("emulator") was as good an excuse as any to scratch my itch, and a little while later I ended up with chip8run, which you can try online right now.

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My Workflow for following Crafting Interpreters

Posted on 2022-12-24, Updated 2022-12-26; Tags: c, linux, make, programming, testing

I recently worked my way through Robert Nystrom's Crafting Interpreters, which guides you through the process of making an interpreter for a scripting language. The book is made up of three parts: a short part describing Lox (the scripting language made for the book), a tree-walk interpreter written in Java and a bytecode virtual machine interpreter written in C. This post is about how I approached the last part.

The book doesn't recommend any specific setup or workflow, so you're free to go with whatever you like. The rest of this post describes what I went with; all of the code can be found here: https://github.com/tung/clox

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