Tung's Word Box

Learning Zig's Build System using raylib

Posted on 2024-11-06, Updated 2025-03-19; Tags: gamedev, programming, zig

Edit: Updated for Zig 0.14.0 and a version of raylib that works with it.

I picked up some Zig recently and figured I'd take the chance to learn its build system using raylib. raylib already has pretty good community-maintained idiomatic Zig bindings, but we want to learn, so we're going to do it the "hard" way instead.

raylib has a build.zig, which means that it can be used directly with Zig's package manager. Its C headers can also be translated into a Zig module that can be @imported, thanks to Zig's built-in C translator.

Note: We will not be using @cImport, since it seems like it'll be removed in future versions of Zig.

# Warning about Versions

Zig, its build system and package manager, and raylib's Zig support are all currently under active development. Details are subject to change.

Zig version: This needs Zig 0.14; Zig 0.13 will not work.

raylib: Commit 75b6b825dfc93488bc411c00845164b5c0f8fae6.zip (2024-12-29); raylib v5.5 is too old for this.

NOTE: This version of Zig spits out a bunch of error messages when linking the final executable. The build should still succeed regardless; check the output directory.

# Package Structure

The layout of files when we're done is going to look like this:

├── build.zig
├── build.zig.zon
└── src
    ├── c.h
    └── main.zig

build.zig: Package-specific build system logic; most of our focus and effort will go here.

build.zig.zon: Package manifest, including metadata and dependencies for Zig's package manager.

src/c.h: C header that will be translated into a Zig module that main.zig can @import.

src/main.zig: Zig code that uses raylib via the translated C header.

# The C Header

Put the following line of code into src/c.h:

#include <raylib.h>

We'll arrange for this to be translated into Zig code that will let us use raylib without having to write any FFI bindings by hand.

# Zig Code that uses raylib

Put this into src/main.zig:

const c = @import("c");

pub fn main() void {
    c.InitWindow(800, 450, "raylib example");
    defer c.CloseWindow();


    while (!c.WindowShouldClose()) {
        defer c.EndDrawing();

        c.DrawText("This is a basic window.", 100, 200, 20, c.LIGHTGRAY);

The C code in src/c.h will be turned into a module named "c" that we @import in this file. C functions and definitions from raylib can be used directly from Zig like this.

# Filling in build.zig.zon for Zig's Package Manager

Put this into build.zig.zon:

    .name = .example,
    .version = "0.1.0",
    .minimum_zig_version = "0.14.0",
    .dependencies = .{},
    .paths = .{
    .fingerprint = 0x6eec9b9fa0e0208d,

This file is in Zig Object Notation, which is just a cut-down version of Zig's struct syntax. Here's the field-by-field break down:

.name: Package name that's used if this is a library; our's isn't, so we just put something sensible here.

.version: Package version; only really matters for library packages, which our's isn't.

.minimum_zig_version: Optional advisory field; we fill it with "0.14.0" here since our build.zig won't work with Zig 0.13.

.dependencies: List of Zig packages that Zig's package manager will get before building our package.

.paths: Files and directories of this package that Zig's package manager will keep after getting the source.

.fingerprint: Hexadecimal number that identifies this package; if you leave it out, Zig will suggest one for you.

Our dependency list is empty right now. Run the following commands to fetch the raylib Zig package:

touch build.zig
zig fetch --save=raylib https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/archive/75b6b825dfc93488bc411c00845164b5c0f8fae6.zip

zig fetch will fail without a build.zig file present, so we make an empty one before running the command.

If you look at build.zig.zon again, it should now look like this:

    .name = .example,
    .version = "0.1.0",
    .minimum_zig_version = "0.14.0",
    .dependencies = .{
        .raylib = .{
            .url = "https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/archive/75b6b825dfc93488bc411c00845164b5c0f8fae6.zip",
            .hash = "raylib-5.5.0-AAAAAHV3zADPmK0F1nLRNCUQrnezXuXiIs3ixRNKFHdN",
    .paths = .{
    .fingerprint = 0x6eec9b9fa0e0208d,

raylib is the dependency name that will be used later on in our upcoming build.zig. A dependency can be a url and hash pair like this, or it can be a path instead. If we wanted to use raylib for another package, we could copy-paste these dependency lines into some other build.zig.zon. However, this will do for now.

With build.zig.zon filled in like this, raylib will be available as a dependency when building this package. If this package is being built on another computer, raylib will be automatically fetched first via the URL.

# Zig Build System Concepts

Before moving onto filling in build.zig, we'll want to know a few foundational concepts. Zig's build system is still in flux, so there isn't a lot of good high-level documentation.

The purpose of build.zig is to create a build graph that describes the actions and order of build-related tasks, such as compiling and linking our program.

The build graph is made up of steps that represent build actions. Steps depend on other steps, forming a directed acyclic graph.

Steps often produce output files; Zig calls these artifacts. Examples of artifacts are compiled and linked programs, libraries, and generated source and data files.

Top-level steps are special steps that serve as entry points into a build graph. Top-level steps perform no actions; they only have other steps as depedencies.

The install top-level step exists in the build graph by default. As the default top-level step, running zig build is equivalent to running zig build install. You can add custom top-level steps to do whatever you want, such as run or test.

Unlike other tools like make, the inter-step dependencies of the build graph usually aren't listed directly. Instead, you'll typically use helper functions that wire up most of the steps of the build graph internally. Those helper functions often return values that can be fed into other helper functions to associate steps with one another.

# Describing the Package Build Graph in build.zig

Our upcoming build.zig has to create a build graph that does the following:

  1. Read in and parse build-time options that customize the build.
  2. Pull in the raylib dependency, made available thanks to our build.zig.zon.
  3. Translate the C code in src/c.h into Zig bindings.
  4. Create a Zig module from the translated src/c.h that links to raylib when imported.
  5. Make an executable from a module with src/main.zig that itself imports the C-to-Zig module.
  6. Install the executable as part of the default install top-level step.
  7. Create a step to run the executable, and a custom run top-level step to trigger it.

Put the following into the empty build.zig we created earlier:

const std = @import("std");

pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {

Add all of the upcoming code samples inside the curly braces.

# Parse Build-Time Options

    const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});

This adds Zig's standard target options: -Dtarget=, -Dcpu= and -Ddynamic-linker=. Zig is a batteries-included cross compiler and linker, with no special setup needed.

    const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{
        .preferred_optimize_mode = .ReleaseSmall,

This adds Zig's standard optimize option, -Doptimize= that can currently be set to Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast or ReleaseSmall.

Zig's build system also supports a special --release= flag that a user can employ to override any package-specific optimization choices. It accepts safe, fast or small as values. If no value is given, it'll use the preferred_optimize_mode value here by default.

If no optimization option is given at all to zig build, then Debug is the default optimization.

    const raylib_optimize = b.option(
        "Override optimization of raylib",
    ) orelse optimize;

This parses a custom --Doptimize-raylib= option to let the user override the optimization of raylib. It accepts the same Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast and ReleaseSmall choices as the standard optimize option.

This command line flag is optional, and falls back on the package's optimization due to the orelse clause at the end.

# The raylib Depdency

    const raylib_dep = b.dependency("raylib", .{
        .target = target,
        .optimize = raylib_optimize,

This pulls in the raylib dependency. The "raylib" value here is the name as it appears in the dependencies list in build.zig.zon.

    const raylib_art = raylib_dep.artifact("raylib");

The Zig build system will build raylib from source, creating an artifact that we grab here. We'll use it later to tell other steps where the raylib library and header files are located. Those later uses will include the raylib dependency into the build graph, causing it to be built from source when needed.

# Translating src/c.h from C to Zig

    const translate_c = b.addTranslateC(.{
        .root_source_file = b.path("src/c.h"),
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,
        .link_libc = true,

This is our first real step. b.addTranslateC creates a std.Build.Step.TranslateC which I'll call "a TranslateC step" for short.

The root_source_file points to the C source code to translate to Zig. Using b.path specifies a path that is always relative to the package root directory.

The target and optimize fields are set according to the build-time options parsed earlier.

raylib uses the C standard library, so we set link_libc here to ensure that it's linked into the final executable.

Recall that src/c.h contains #include <raylib.h>. For the TranslateC step to find raylib.h, the path where this dependency header file was installed must be added to the include path. raylib_art.getEmittedIncludeTree() retrieves exactly that path.

# Creating a Zig Module from the Translated C Code

    const c_module = translate_c.createModule();

This arranges for a module to be created from the translated C file. Doing this allows it to be imported by Zig code.

We use linkLibrary to tell the build system to link to the raylib library when linking the final executable.

# Building the Executable

    const mod = b.createModule(.{
        .root_source_file = b.path("src/main.zig"),
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,
    mod.addImport("c", c_module);

    const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
        .name = "example",
        .root_module = mod,

b.createModule makes a module, which is a group of files that Zig knows how to compile, with extra info on how they should be compiled. root_source_file points at our package-relative src/main.zig file path. target and optimize are specified as before.

mod.addImport("c", c_module) allows @import("c") to work inside src/main.zig.

b.addExecutable creates a Compile step that links an executable from the module we just created.

# Installing the Executable


This creates an InstallArtifact step internally that copies the final executable to the zig-out/bin directory. This internal InstallArtifact step is added as a depedency of the default install top-level step, so running zig build will perform this action automatically.

Without this step, nothing will be built when zig build is run!

# Adding a Step to Run the Executable

    const run_exe = b.addRunArtifact(exe);
    if (b.args) |args| run_exe.addArgs(args);

b.addRunArtifact creates a RunArtifact step that runs the executable as its action.

run_exe.step.dependOn(b.getInstallStep()) is an example of making a step depend on another manually. Usually this is done behind the scenes by helper functions, but this one is explicit. This makes the RunArtifact step depend on the default install top-level step, so everything is installed before anything runs. Technically this could be left out here, but this is handy if the executable expects other files to be installed before running.

The last line here allows forwarding command line arguments to the executable, e.g. zig build run -- foo bar baz will send foo, bar and baz to the executable as arguments. This is also optional and could be left out here.

# A Custom run Top-Level Step

    const run_tls = b.step("run", "Run the app");

A RunArtifact step can't be invoked directly, since it could just be used internally, e.g. to generate files for the build.

b.step creates a top-level step that the user can pass to zig build. b.step("run", "...") here enables zig build run to be recognized by the build system. Despite the name, b.step specifically creates a top-level step, and not just any old step; the function name here is a bit confusing.

run_tls.dependOn(&run_exe.step) links this top-level step to the RunArtifact step that runs the executable from earlier.

That's it, we're done!

# The Complete build.zig

Here's the whole build.zig file in its entirety:

const std = @import("std");

pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
    const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
    const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{
        .preferred_optimize_mode = .ReleaseSmall,
    const raylib_optimize = b.option(
        "Override optimization of raylib",
    ) orelse optimize;

    const raylib_dep = b.dependency("raylib", .{
        .target = target,
        .optimize = raylib_optimize,

    const raylib_art = raylib_dep.artifact("raylib");

    const translate_c = b.addTranslateC(.{
        .root_source_file = b.path("src/c.h"),
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,
        .link_libc = true,

    const c_module = translate_c.createModule();

    const mod = b.createModule(.{
        .root_source_file = b.path("src/main.zig"),
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,
    mod.addImport("c", c_module);

    const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
        .name = "example",
        .root_module = mod,


    const run_exe = b.addRunArtifact(exe);
    if (b.args) |args| run_exe.addArgs(args);

    const run_tls = b.step("run", "Run the app");

The Zig build system can be invoked in the following ways:

# Wrapping Up

Summing everything up, we:

  1. Created a module from C code in order to use raylib in a Zig program.
  2. Made a build.zig.zon manifest to fetch raylib as a dependency.
  3. Wrote a build.zig to build raylib, translate the C code into a module, build our Zig program and link them all together.

The Zig build system and pacakage manager duo can be somewhat intimidating at first; the lack of documentation so far definitely doesn't help.

The build.zig file for this package is larger than usual due to having to translate C into a Zig module. Pure Zig projects typically have shorter build specifications.

If you want to do things with the Zig build system, try to find examples by Andrew Kelley, the Zig creator.

If you want to go further than the examples, remember that the build helper functions return values with types you can feed into other helper functions. Look at the std.Build section of the standard library docs. Link up return values and parameter types: all the steps, artifacts, modules, dependencies and LazyPaths will often narrow down your options. Those docs also link to implementation source code that you may want to consult.

Hopefully official documentation will make scavenging types and source code like this less necessary in the future.