A simple web-playable roguelike

What lies in the depths of the dungeon?

Play in classic ASCII mode

Gather magical items to aid you on your quest

Blast foes from afar!
- Discover new monsters and equipment the deeper you go.
- Hunger and regeneration: stay fed and stay healed!
- Choose between graphical tiles and ASCII display.
- Menu-based UI with hot keys.
- Auto-run to quickly follow corridors and cross open space.
- Save and load system.
- New Game Plus mode!
The controls are mostly similar to many other classic roguelikes.
Move into monsters to attack them.
Movement keys:
- Numpad, Arrows, vi-keys - move in eight directions
- Period, Space, Numpad 5 - wait a turn
- Shift + direction - auto-run
- Shift + Space - rest until healed
- Enter, > (Shift + Period) - use downstairs
Other keys:
- Esc - options menu
- v - view mode; move the cursor to view distant tiles
Item keys:
- i - inventory menu
- g, , (Comma) - pick up item
Hot keys:
- a - apply (use) item
- d - drop item
- w, e - wield weapon or wear armor
- r - remove weapon or armor
Menu keys:
- Movement keys, Page Up/Page Down/Home/End - move cursor
- Enter - confirm selection
- Esc - cancel
Hot keys can be used in certain item menus to quickly perform actions.
More info for developers:
RuggRogue can also be found on itch.io: tungtn.itch.io/ruggrogue.