
This is a mini-chapter that exists mostly for the sake of completeness. The truth about monsters in RuggRogue is they mostly overlap with the player, with a small handful of differences:

  • Their Monster tag component gives them turns between player turns.
  • They move towards and fight the player if they can see the player.
  • They have no Stomach component, so they don't eat or regenerate.
  • They grant experience when they die to whoever defeated them.
  • They do not pick up, drop or use items.

Monsters differ only in name, appearance and stats; they're treated uniformly in every other way.

Monster List

The following is a list of monsters and their ASCII representations in the approximate order that they'll be encountered by the player:

  • (b) Blob
  • (B) Bat
  • (c) Crab
  • (S) Snake
  • (g) Goblin
  • (k) Kobold
  • (G) Gnome
  • (o) Orc
  • (u) Unicorn
  • (P) Pirate
  • (L) Lizardman
  • (G) Ghost
  • (Z) Skeleton
  • (O) Ogre
  • (N) Naga
  • (W) Warlock
  • (&) Demon
  • (E) Sentinel
  • (R) Robber
  • (K) Skateboard Kid
  • (J) Jellybean
  • (A) Alien
  • (D) Dweller
  • (h) Little Helper
  • (H) Big Helper

The monster list exists in the form of the MONSTERS array near the top of the src/ file. The ASCII symbols are mapped to monsters in the Symbol::text_fallback function that can be found in the src/ file.

Monsters in Other Chapters

The topic of monsters is covered across other chapters in this book:

  • Map Population: Where monsters are spawned and how many appear.
  • Experience and Difficulty: Choice of appearance and power level of monsters, and granting experience when defeated.
  • Field of View: Monsters have their own fields of view, and will pursue the player on sight.
  • Pathfinding: Monsters step towards the player by first finding a path to follow.
  • Turn Order and Combat: Monsters get a turn between player turns and fight the player in melee combat.