Overall Game Flow

The overall flow of the game can be divided into three main parts:

  1. initialization
  2. the main game loop
  3. the mode stack that the main game loop continuously updates

We'll look at each of these in turn.


The main function in src/main.rs is where it all begins. One of the most important things initialized is the world, courtesy of the Shipyard crate, whose sole purpose is to store and provide access to all game-related data. There's a bunch of calls to world.add_unique to add uniques, which are the closest thing the game has to global variables. "Uniques" are Shipyard's term for "resources", which is the term used by other Rust ECS crates such as Specs, Legion and bevy_ecs. In any case, the uniques that RuggRogue adds to its world are a mix of essential and dummy data. Inserting dummy data now means it can be replaced unconditionally later, simplifying that code.

The most important thing initialized is the mode stack, which is initialized with a mode representing the title screen. The mode stack deserves its own section, so that will be covered later; just keep it in mind for now.

The final bit of initialization in the main function is RunSettings, which controls the behavior of the ruggrogue::run function that launches the main loop of the game. Alongside the basic window settings and frames per second is the tileset_infos field. If you want to add new tilesets and fonts, this is where they're added. The game's option menu assumes that fonts come before tilesets. Note that if you add or remove fonts, you'll want to change the NUM_FONTS constant in src/modes/options_menu.rs to match your changes. If you want to add a tileset, check out the urizen_tileset_info function in src/gamesym.rs for an example of how to map display symbols to tiles.

At the end of the main function is a call to ruggrogue::run that launches the main game loop with a callback that continuously updates the aforementioned mode stack.

The Main Game Loop

The main game loop lives in the run function that can be found in src/lib/run.rs. Note that we've gone from the binary crate to the library crate at this point. We can start the game loop now, right?

I lied, there's more initialization. This initialization is a lot more technical than the stuff that main was setting up before. Most of the initialization here is to use SDL to prepare a window, a canvas representing the drawable area of that window and an event pump, which is how the game can react to player inputs and window resizing.

Beyond SDL, the layers variable is noteworthy. It's a vector of TileGridLayers, which in turn are vectors of TileGrids. Everything that appears on screen does so via this structure; it can be thought of as a hand-rolled scene graph. TileGrids and TileGridLayers will be covered in more detail in a later chapter.

Alright, we can finally move onto the game loop proper, that is, everything inside while !done { ... }. The game loop is modelled directly from the one described under "Play catch up" in the Game Programming Patterns book. The idea of this kind of game loop is that you think of wall clock time as producing a resource that is repeatedly consumed in fixed amounts by running the update logic. However, it's heavily adapted to the needs of RuggRogue, which are kind of unusual compared to a conventional video game.

The biggest thing I wanted to avoid with RuggRogue was constantly spending CPU time running update logic when there was nothing to update. I didn't want RuggRogue to turn the player's laptop into a hand warmer because they left the game window open while doing something else. In this respect, RuggRogue's game loop is closer to that of a GUI program than a video game. This sole requirement unfortunately rules out the use of almost every single Rust game engine, including bracket-lib and Bevy (at least in its current pre-editor state). Virtually all of the Rust game engines out there have their own game loop that they want you to use, with no way to tell it to wait for an event before updating again. To be honest, I wasn't intending to write my own game engine for RuggRogue, but this one requirement kind of forced me into it, and the rest is history.

There are two parts to making RuggRogue wait for input when needed: the active_update flag and the RunControl enum. When active_update is true, updates are continuously requested at the desired FPS rate, and when it's false it'll wait for an event before updating instead. The active_update flag is initially set, since the game needs to update at least once in order to draw the title screen. The RunControl enum found at the top of src/lib/run.rs is how updates tell the game loop to set the active_update flag. Every update function from the main gameplay to the smallest dialog returns one of the variants of RunControl. Anything that finishes its work in a single frame returns RunControl::WaitForEvent, such as the player moving a single step or moving a menu cursor. Things that require repeated updates instead return RunControl::Update, such as the player auto-running along a corridor or resting until healed. RunControl::Quit is only returned when the mode stack empties out, which means there's nothing left to update or show on screen.

If you're reading the code, you may wonder why there's a big if with two whole branches that run the update callback. This is to ensure correct time book-keeping when going back and forth between active and and inactive updating. For example, say that there's an update, then the player waits for ten seconds before pressing a key that triggers active updates. If the game is set to run at 30 FPS with active updates, this would trigger 300 catch-up updates without special handling!

The Mode Stack

I've hinted at this idea of a "mode stack" before, so it's time to go into it in more detail. The idea of a mode is a unit of state with associated update and drawing logic that has exclusive, or modal (hence the name), access to update and control logic at any given time. The game has a single mode stack that houses all of the modes, drawing all of the modes in their stacked order while updating only the top mode.

At this point, you might be thinking, "Hey, wait a minute, isn't this just a game state stack? Why come up with a different name for something everybody else has already settled on?" Indeed, you'll get a lot more useful results from search engines if you type "game state stack" instead of whatever the heck I'm calling it. However, I didn't come up with a different name for no reason. There is a dizzying amount of writing about game development on the Internet that goes over how to do different things, but in very similar and easy-to-confuse terms. "State" is one of those words that means slightly different things to different people. "State" refers to the pattern of bits in memory and allocated resources, but "state" is also a computer science concept for finite state machines. Using different names for different ideas makes thinking about complex problems easier, and I refer to "modes" instead of "states" here for this reason. My original inspiration for this approach comes from "The Interface Stack Model" (emphasis mine), but "interface" is unfortunately already a term used in object-oriented programming. This approach is also somewhat similar to "Pushdown Automata" from the Game Programming Patterns book. Anyway, enough about names, you can substitute "mode" with "state" and everything here should still make sense.

If RuggRogue is a living being, the main game loop would be its heart, pumping updates, while the mode stack would be its brain, deciding how to react to inputs and what gets drawn on screen. The mode stack can be found near the bottom of src/modes/mod.rs, which is back in the binary crate. This might seem strange; surely something as general as this mode stack belongs in the library crate instead, right? However, my experience on this game says otherwise. The original mode stack was much simpler than the one that exists in the game code now. I treated it as a living, breathing thing and evolved it to suit the needs of the game, and you can't really put something that constantly evolves into a library that presents a stable interface. The mode stack must be game code, not library code.

The mode stack is represented by the ModeStack struct (surprise), which is just a vector of Mode structs, along with a single ModeStack::update function. The ModeStack::update function more or less does the following:

  1. Call Mode::prepare_grids on all of the modes in the stack to create and position tile grids that the modes draw onto.
  2. Call Mode::update on the top mode and catch its result.
  3. React to the returned result if needed, e.g. to push a new mode or pop the top mode.
  4. Call Mode::draw on all of the modes in the stack to fill in the contents of tile grids that will later be displayed on screen.

These mode-related functions exist just above the mode stack code inside the impl Mode block. The purpose of these functions is to dispatch to the function of the same name in each mode according to its type. For example, if there's a YesNoDialogMode at the top of the mode stack, ModeStack::update would call Mode::update which in turn would call YesNoDialogMode::update, which can be found in src/modes/yes_no_dialog.rs. You'll notice that the dispatching code is mostly a copy-paste job; there are a couple of alternatives that would have been much more concise, but I decided against using. Idiomatic Rust code would have made a Mode trait instead of an enum and relied on dynamic dispatch using Box<dyn Mode>, but having every mode living in different parts of heap memory was something I wanted to avoid for performance reasons. There's also an enum_dispatch crate that does what I did by hand automatically, but I didn't want to pull in dependencies for things I could easily write myself.

Mode::update returns a 2-tuple of ModeControl and ModeUpdate, whose definitions are just above impl Mode in src/modes/mod.rs. ModeControl represents what the update function of any given mode wants to have done to the stack, like ModeControl::Switch, ModeControl::Push or ModeControl::Pop. Note the ModeResult in ModeControl::Pop: every mode is accompanied by a corresponding mode result, e.g. YesNoDialogMode can pop itself off the stack and return either YesNoDialogModeResult::Yes or YesNoDialogModeResult::No. The next mode whose update function is called will receive this result via its pop_result parameter. Rust's expressive type system is invaluable for dispatch logic based on types like this. A lot of articles written about game state stacks gloss over result handling, but it's the difference between a dialog returning something meaningful and just vanishing into thin air, so if you want proper dialogs and not just inert windows, it's crucial.

ModeUpdate determines what should happen after ModeStack::update is done. ModeUpdate::Update and ModeUpdate::WaitForEvent correspond to active and inactive-style of main game loop updating described earlier. You may have noticed the while loop surrounding most of the code in ModeStack::update; ModeUpdate::Immediate exists solely as a fallthrough case to repeat that loop. ModeUpdate::Immediate is used to make the next mode's update function run in the current frame instead of the next. This is useful to handle the result of a dialog straight away when it closes instead of lagging for a frame.

One last detail I left out is Mode::draw_behind. Remember how modes represent screens as well as menus and dialogs? There's no need to draw behind a mode that covers the entire screen, so Mode::prepare_grids and Mode::draw are skipped for other modes behind fullscreen modes like this, and Mode::draw_behind is what decides if a mode is fullscreen.

If you want an example of a simple mode, the simplest one can be found in src/modes/yes_no_dialog.rs. The most important mode is probably DungeonMode, which represents the main gameplay screen and handles player and monster turn distribution; this can be found in src/modes/dungeon.rs.