New Game Plus

RuggRogue allows the player to continue playing the game after they win by way of the New Game Plus mode. When the player dismisses the victory screen, they're fully healed and are allowed deeper into the dungeon. The player keeps their level, experience, stats and all of their equipment and items, apart from the victory item. The game in turn will allow more monsters and items to spawn the more times the player wins. The power of weapons and armor spawned will continue to increase, but the power of monsters resets. Thus, New Game Plus is intended to serve as a victory lap for the player to collect ever more powerful equipment, and not so much deliver a proper challenge.

Starting New Game Plus

The player wins the game by using the Present item. The Present item has a Victory tag component that is checked by the item::use_item function in the src/ file. The game auto-saves itself before consuming the Present item, then increments the win counter before guiding the DungeonMode::update function in the src/modes/ file to bring up the GameOverMode.

Recall that GameOverMode is used both for player victory and defeat, depending on the state of the unique PlayerAlive flag. When the player presses a key to dismiss the screen, the following code in the GameOverMode::update function in the src/modes/ file runs:

let player_alive = world.borrow::<UniqueView<PlayerAlive>>().0;

title::post_game_cleanup(world, !player_alive); // <-- (1)
if player_alive {
    title::new_game_setup(world, true); // <-- (2)

return (
    ModeControl::Switch(if player_alive {
        // Jump straight into new game plus.
        DungeonMode::new().into() // <-- (3)
    } else {

In the case of victory in the above code, the player_alive boolean flag will be true, so the game does the following:

  1. Run the title::post_game_cleanup function.
  2. Run the title::new_game_setup function.
  3. Switch back to the DungeonMode.

The title::post_game_cleanup function is defined in the src/modes/ file. It simply despawns map-local entities such as monsters still alive and any items left behind, and in the case of victory that's all it does.

The title::new_game_setup function in the same file is used to start both new games and the New Game Plus runs. If New Game Plus is needed, the new_game_plus argument is set to true, causing the function to:

  • Increment the turn count and depth, as if the player had taken a downstairs on the final level.
  • Restore the player to full health.
  • Store the level of the difficulty tracker as the base equipment level for the New Game Plus run.

Since the difficulty tracker is reset for both new games and New Game Plus runs, the last point ensures that new weapons and armor that spawn will do so with ever-increasing power.

Win Counter

As mentioned earlier, the win counter tracks the number of times the player beats the game. It's defined in the form of the Wins unique all the way back in the src/ file, like so:

pub struct Wins(u32);

The Wins unique is increased by one when the player uses the Present item in the item::use_item function in the src/ file.

The win counter increases the maximum number of randomly-spawned items and monsters per room by one in New Game Plus runs. The fill_rooms_with_spawns function in the src/ file checks the Wins unique to accomplish this.

Base Equipment Level

Recall that the difficulty tracker is reset by the title::new_game_setup function. This resets the power of spawned monsters, but would also do the same thing to weapons and armor! To counteract this, there's a concept of a base equipment level, stored in the form of the BaseEquipmentLevel unique in the src/ file like so:

pub struct BaseEquipmentLevel(i32);

The title::new_game_setup function stores the level of the difficulty tracker in the BaseEquipmentLevel unique before resetting the difficulty tracker. The BaseEquipmentLevel is then consulted by the spawn_weapon and spawn_armor functions in the src/ file to add to the power of spawned equipment in New Game Plus runs. This prevents equipment in New Game Plus runs from being useless relative to the equipment that the player was allowed to carry over from the previous run.